Nelson Brooks Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Culture
The Nelson Brooks Award recognizes a language educator who has made significant impact through the teaching of culture in the world language classroom and beyond. Granted in celebration of the contributions of Nelson Brooks, this award honors a preeminent author and teacher whose work and writings changed the course of our profession. Although best remembered for his writings on the role of culture in world language education, his articles and books on the audiolingual approach to teaching world languages, published during the 1960s, contributed significantly to a movement that dramatically influenced second language instruction. The Nelson Brooks Award was established in 1978 through the donation of $2,500 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., as a memorial to Nelson Brooks. The recipient of this award receives an honorarium.
Criteria for Eligibility
- The nominee must be a current ACTFL member.
- The nominee has a minimum of five years’ experience teaching language and culture with at least half of each year's assignment in the area of world language education.
- The nominee’s dossier must include an introductory cover letter, CV, maximum of three letters of support, and supporting documentation combined in one PDF file and submitted online by the deadline.